Alex Schroeder

Open on

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.



I'm a 40-something blind guy living in the Pacific Northwest of the US.
I write, maintain, and advocate for free software.
Utopian dreamer, vegetarian, and amateur philosopher / historian.

Ursula Katherine Spiller

✨ Ursula Katherine Spiller ✨
writer, author, scribbler ~ film lover ~ enthusiast of random things
🏳️‍🌈 very queer ~ all pronouns 🏳️‍🌈 ~ 💉💉💉💉



Game dev, indie producer

I make under-a-rock music for bugs:

also games:

Mitübersetzer von ALRIK: Rollozock, so mit Abenteuern und Labyrinthen wie in den 70er und 80ern.

Co-conspirator of ALRIK: The German OSRIC translation


new no new age advanced ambient motor music machine

#Naarm / #Melbourne, #Australia. I love #walking to explore #FilmPhotography (and digital) and listen to #music. Not scared of Public Transport, and favour #trains. Into #Linux, other #Unix-es and #emacs for 30 years, along with #SelfHosting and hosting for others - I appreciate the distributed nature of the Internet. I'm here for the community, not the daily drama/outrage, and post/boost accordingly. 
Moved from in ~Jan 2022.

Made In Taiwan ™️🇹🇼

What I Do: Front-end IT support for ~25 years, now with added back-end support. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"

What I Am: See my pinned post, where I attempt to fit my life in 2222 characters.

Formerly @rosenbergite. Old posts are kept there for posterity.

BBS user since 1997. Observing since 1971.

Avatar: self-portrait created by @mavica_again

Header: I-29 in South Dakota.

“Knowledge does not keep any better than fish.” —Alfred North Whitehead

#fedi22 #nobot

Domingos Faria

Assistant Professor of #Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto (FLUP).

Andreas Gohr

Blogger, open source developer, maker, human from Berlin.

Bill Mill

I like to write code

Portland, Maine, USA

Lorq Von Ray

"He's an older coder, Sir, but he checks out."

He / Him / Inmate:THX 1138

Boring middle-aged white guy who learned how to be progressive by having 'net friends all over the world; from Norway to Tokyo, London, Mauritius and Minsk. Americans are largely broken socially and I've had years of other people asking me, "what the hell is going on over there?!?"

Disillusioned Technologist. Infrastructure Engineer. Jack of all trades, master of none, though often better than master of one."


I like word craft, but enough other ‘handy-crafts’, too, to not get much of the former done. I’m starting to accept that. I work(ed) in tech comms from an #ecology background. #Collapse has me concerned. Topics like #degrowth, #rewilding, #permaculture, etc, have my attention. Traditional woodworking keeps me focused when the family doesn’t keep me busy. All woodworking toots are at @wedge

‘Ricain en #Alsace. Je tooot parfois en français.

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