DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab
Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.
into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking.
dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.
Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.
My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see
Atonal being in a diatonic world
he/him they/them
kimothy siddon
lesbian, trans, non-binary woman, she / her, white.
you may remember me from such classics as @grufwub.
i have what the kids call, mental health. life is a lot.
enjoyer of oats. appreciator of cats.
professional backend engineer (big tech sucks).
core gotosocial developer (and bug contributor).
write mostly Go and sh. also: Rust, PHP, Python, ACAB.
anarcho somethingivist.
nuance is dead.
the only valid intolerance, is intolerance of intolerance. and milk.
working on dealing with a lifetime of assimilated systemic bigotry.
the onus isn't on you, but if you do call me on shit, it is appreciated.
owning up to and working on my shit are important to me.
i love my wife @goat
Alt account for @julienxx
#plan9 #9front #smolinternet #emacs #openbsd #rust #haskell #retrocomputing #COYS #punk
blackle mori
I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its
they (en), yel (fr), etc.
Nairm & Birrarung-ga, Kulin biik
gemini:// | gopher:// |
My BookWyrm account is @wrul --- and that one does actually see regular use!
My user avatar is a desaturated photo of a rainbow lorikeet feeding on orange gum blossoms.
(Header image? Only a single, transparent pixel.)