tobi (they/them) is writing bugs :terminal_cursor:

Open on

Queer, trans, dev, etc etc.

This my superseriousbusiness account, where I post about :go_to_social: GoToSocial :go_to_social: development etc, and occasionally test things.

Feel free to follow, but if you want official GtS updates, follow @gotosocial instead :)


🏳️‍⚧ Frankitopia 🏳️‍⚧

elfin, impish, franky

I like old computers, pulp sci-fi and comic books

frank(lin(t)), 30s

please, if we've never interacted, introduce yourself before you follow

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.

into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking.

dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.

Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see

Alex Schroeder

I moved to @alex without a proper account migration. Languages: gsw de en fr pt. My toots expire. He/him.

Pedro Lucas Porcellis

I write bad code & complain

Aaron Bieber

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando! AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=

yin yang yoink

Programmer / game writer from Kemerovo, Russia. I also make cosplay & rock festivals.

(shlep shlep frrr)

#webdev #gamedev

(it comes)


Brilliant. Stupid. Awesome.
Pick two.

:socialiststar: 🛠️ :socialiststar:
He | Him | Comrade

Philip John Basile

Software Engineer and Educator


Atonal being in a diatonic world

he/him they/them

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

He/him. Fighting for climate justice. admin

#cyclist #cyclejawns #SunriseMovement #Philly

maloki 🍍:ghostbat:

Let me know why when you send follow req.

Also Check these alt accounts :
@maloki #Tusky & #GoToSocial
@maloki Writing & #WritingTreat

White, cis-by-default woman in her 30s. Swedish, living in the UK.

Pretend to be abled but live with: Chronic pain, chronic fatigue. #ADHD / ASD
Pandemic isn't over, actively shielding.

I'm apparently a writer. Fat. Cute. A Poly PanBi.

River is my black German Shepherd mix dog. Loa is my longterm partner I live with.

header from: @welshpixie



Research software engineer, Ph.D., :blobcatnerd: moderator for I write / boost posts related to general topics such as #news and #technology here.

Recurring topics: :python: #python :terminal: #linux :blobcatscience: #science

Posts expire every 12 weeks

Header:, CC-BY 4.0
Avatar: @davidrevoy, CC-BY 4.0