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TV addict, science fiction enthusiast, proud inhabitant of Earth (our only home).

Posting about actresses and tv series I'm a fan of. Some tech and politics in between.

There's nothing wrong with fighting for social justice. Black Lives Matter. Gender equality. Fight for a sustainable use of environmental resources.

Posts by me are published cc-by (, so they may be shared, boosted, reposted, reblogged, retweeted, etc. Posts and/or photos by others that I share remain copyright by the respective owners. Posts by me are searchable in the opt-in index of tootfinder (


Sysnetadmin / Amateur radio / Telecom at large scale for a living.

Mostly random things, music, tech, ...

I've been on the fediverse forever, but now just hosting that single user instance...

Alex Schroeder

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.