Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.


OpenBSD España

Comunidad de aprendizaje #OpenBSD

Adrian Talens

🎵 soundtrack composer on Poly Bridge 1, 2, and 3

#gamedev #gameaudio #musicproduction #sounddesign

Looking to connect with people on here ✌️ Read about me in my pinned introduction post below ⬇️

Todd C. Miller

#sudo and #OpenBSD hacker. Recovered(?) sysadmin. All bugs are my own.


Rufus Aleksandr

Building & advocating for a more decentralized, independent, and thoughtful web.


Dad, dog dad, query execution engineer at MongoDB. Former GitHub. Opinions are my own.

Éric Freyssinet

Dir. Scientifique / Chief Scientific Advisor @Gendarmerie | Alumni @Polytechnique (X92), @TelecomParis, PhD @LIP6_lab, @CyberGend | Associate member @Labo_Loria | Compte personnel / Personal account
Toots 🇬🇧/🇫🇷
Président du comité d'organisation de #Botconf / Chairman of the #Botconf organising team
Spring 2024, Nice, France @botconf

(Used to be on but it was disconnected, so you will find the 👻👻👻 of my toots on some instances)

William Lallemand

C Developer based in Paris.
#haproxy dev & co-maintainer

*sigh*Ber nard

Less and less

Pierre-Yves Ritschard

slacker, climber, yak shaver.


Real World Machine Learning.