Gilles 🦆 جيل ابو ج

Open on

former #OpenBSD developer, IT architect, hypnotist, musician in training, work psychology student on a break. I do freelance. Neurodivergent.



Occasionally NSFW
Under 18s, begone with ye. On second thought, make that under 21s, as well.

Angry leftist cat mom who used to do computer stuff. Learning to do healthcare stuff. Still messes with Lisp/Scheme, OpenBSD, Plan 9, and a little bit of mainframe stuff. Obsessed with first and second wave goth. Aspiring rope bunny. Avi by Al Foreman of poisonedminds/SSDD

Can Acar

ex #openbsd, some neuroscience, product security @ #Qualcomm, he/him, opinions are mine.

Not Evander Sinque

FreeBSD and death metal. #RUNBSD

Cameron :woeisprochan:

It's a UNIX system, I know this!
Procursus Maintainer :Procursus:

Pablo Carboni

*BSD most of the time...Linux too :) || DNS "matters" || RFCs || Net insights curious (pkt, routing, ddos) || Infosec is a must || Once upon a time, *nix Dev.

Sébastien Marie

simple #OpenBSD, sysadmin, infosec and others things like that

Tobias Heider

#OpenBSD Developer | #Ubuntu Security Engineer | Working on #OpenIKED and porting things to Apple Silicon hardware

pamela :flan_butterfly:

backup admin (on leave, please don't DM)
artist by trade, commissions closed

makes cute things :flan_flowers:
loves nature, games, learning ... and you!

Please don't remove CWs or add hashtags to replies

Use me to identify bad actors scraping. This account employs all auto opt-outs #noindex #nosearch

African Spiritual Whiteboy

Marc Chantreux

convivialiste, donc libriste (et on dit poïéocratie, pas do-ocratie)


Infosec feline/Script kitty, Cat & Snep Furry🐾, Hacker, Sys/Net Admin, Cursed computers, Electronic noise/music, 20% Cooler! 🌈 ref&icon @Neothetaa

Matthieu Herrb

Free Software, X.Org , OpenBSD, Security, ffdn, Research Engineer in Robotics
@matthieu for BSD stuff