handlerug handlerug@social.handlerug.me

Open on social.handlerug.me

Software developer. I like good design and good engineering. Interested in art but pretty bad at it. In my free time, I make computers cry. I am pretty bland and shallow myself, but I find other people very interesting. Still figuring things out. he/him


linear cannon @linear@nya.social

some girl who writes code sometimes
i live in the midwest and do tech things
i like old computers and weird operating systems and writing emulators
i have many girlfriends
sometimes i make music as 'ersatz waterfall'
consumerism is destructive
i do not have a mastodon account
if you send me a follow request and you already follow me on twitter, or recently migrated instances, dm me so i know who you are

vga256 @vga256@dialup.cafe

indigenous canadian, recovering academic → game dev → interactive media artist with a penchant for dial-up modems, the 4o3 bbs scene, 1-bit art, trackers/mods, classic macs, and 80s and 90s gaming. curator of internet, canadian & gaming obscura.

#nobot #nobots #noindex
(profile pic image description: a low resolution pixel art interpretation of Denver, The Last Dinosaur)

Noam Preil @pixx@merveilles.town

Self-taught musician, avid reader, runner, #9front-eer, wannabe poet, solarpunker. Was not properly socialized; may bite. Mostly interested in looking for friends; feel free to DM :)

Critical acclaim:

be0ba → you disgust me

seb @sebastian@jittr.click

a human i think [he/they]

i post about hyperfixations and also my mood occasionally. would like to make friends on fedi :)

"oh my god seb you should not be allowed to write c code" - @ecs

occasionally my avatar changes between various colors in the NES color palette, don't worry about it it just does that sometimes

[insert clever and potentially humorous thing here]


Pedro Lucas Porcellis @eletrotupi@lonely.town

I write bad code & complain

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me

Website: https://hacktivis.me/
Lang: Français(natif), English(fluent), LSF(🤏~👌), русский (еле-еле)
Donate via LiberaPay: https://liberapay.com/lanodan_

Pronouns: meh, pick any, have fun
Timezone: Let's say Mars, I have a non-24h cycle
Dayjob: None
Alts: @lanodan@shitposter.club, …
🦊🦄⚧🂡ⓥ :anarchy: 👿🐧 :gentoo: :sun:
Pleroma maintainer (mostly backend); BadWolf developer; Gentoo contributor; Eternal upstreamer

Arch users needs to pacman -R works-for-me arch-btw

Make the changes you want to see.

That person which uses HJKL in games

Just because computer bad: X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*

banner from: https://soc.flyingcube.tech/objects/56f79be2-9013-4559-9826-f7dc392417db
Federation-bots: #nobot

bouncepaw 🍄 @bouncepaw@merveilles.town

A mask maker. I develop boring niche software, draw non-existent things, and write some hypertexts. Already in the Mycoverse.

RU (nat), EN (B2..C1), EO (B1), FR (A1)

Profile picture: a pixelated mushroom from Kunstformen der Natur. Cover: my drawing of a girl waving her hand at you.

you have lost the game @psykose@donotsta.re

Evan Johnston @etj@social.d2evs.net

i write code, and occasionally it works
any pronouns

smlckz @smlckz@c.im

I like programming, mathematics and typesetting.

I currenly write program in C, maybe more languages later..

I use troff for typesetting. Long live troff!

vyivel💐 @vyivel@outerheaven.club

A personified train of thoughts on computer stuff (how original!) and whatever I'm invested in at the moment.

Might be annoying sometimes, sorry :meowShrug:

Fishing minigame apologists DNI /lh

I rewrite this bio completely every now and then :blobfox3c:

avi: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/100356937

Epsi @Epsi@mk.absturztau.be

Hi, I'm Epsi, also known as Eqato.

I love security, art, music, anime and learning about anything.


