Kaito kai@ajin.la
I'm interested in cities, urban planning, zoning, decluttering, television, podcasts, photography, systems administration, finance, economics, history, and music.
tootbrute @tootbrute@fedi.arkadi.one
Lover of books. User of Linux. Self-hoster. Drinker of coffee.
Dominic Martinez @dominicm@alpha.polymaths.social
Heyo! I'm a developer making open, user-centric software. I'm particularly interested in tools for thought, programming languages, and operating systems. If you want to chat my inbox is always open; I promise I don't bite!
I also love cooking Italian food, and measure my quality of life in days between pasta dinners. Well, or anything Szechuan, I could eat that all day. Or Korean. Or uh...you know what it may actually be easier to list off the food I don't like.
ballpointcarrot @ballpointcarrot@fedi.bpc.wtf
Building developer tools at Flexport. formerly Stedi, AWS; Puzzle addict, Choral tenor, and teller of terrible puns. 時々日本語を喋る。