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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Jonathan Chacón

Investigador y desarrollador en accesibilidad, usabilidad y nuevas tecnologías

Devin Prater

Accessibility drives me. (Wow that felt weird to write) blogger, gamer (sometimes), reader, and always coming up with stupid jokes and wordplay. I had to leave my old account because storage got full and I couldn't figure out how to fix it. Ah well.

Héctor Benítez

Samuel Proulx

I'm the Accessibility Evangelist at Fable ( I talk about Accessibility, screen readers, blindness, inclusive design, Fable, and more. I'm a life-long blind screen reader user. This is my account for professionally related toots; personal stuff is elsewhere.


Blind fanfiction lover (MLP or Harry Potter), settled on mastodon as my home. Professional toots live @fastfinge, casual stuff lives here. searchable
Note: I block anyone quoting posts without notice. If you do that, you're not welcome on my timeline. Thanks!
Disclaimer: the views expressed here do not represent the views of my employer, or even, sometimes, myself. I reserve the right to change my mind; a hot take that I dashed off on Mastodon might not be my forever opinion.

José Manuel Delicado

Ingeniero del software y máster en ingeniería informática por la URJC. Consultor de accesibilidad tecnológica en Laberit.

Richard Scott

Digital designer, cartoonist, Brompton nerd, house #rabbit dad.

Interested in #design #climate #politics #environment #conservation #vegetarian # coffee #homebrew #pressurecooking #labour #ux #brompton #raspberrypi #philosophy #art #cycling


Tech/risk management consulting, training, writing, music, art, tea.

Simon Jaeger

Accessibility tester, bookworm, occasional musician and audio producer, coffee addict, selfhoster, tech tinkerer.


#Accessibility #UX Consultant 🫶
#SVG and #CSS sorceress 🔮
Recovering #FrontendDev 👩‍💻
#HCI Ph.D. candidate focusing on #a11y + #XR
she/her 🤷‍♀️

the notorious gzt

he is probably mostly here now. statistician, wizard, lazy person, orthodox, leftist, etc etc. for academic stuff, see him on (same username). #statistics #datascience #rstats #chess and a lot of other things.

Matilda Con A 💙

Psicóloga de profesión madre por vocación. 🦖 🐱❤
No le entiendo a Twitch 😐
Hablo de cosas poco interesantes. #VidaDiaria #EsQueja #Gatos
Aprendizaje del Fediverso en proceso 🌟