
Open on

Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:



Historiadora, aunque a veces hago de todo menos historia. He trabajado 2 días (o así) en un archivo y ahora no tengo otra personalidad.
Me gusta la comida, el arte y la gente simpática y roja.
Ha llegado un punto en mi vida en el que todo es un meme.
Hablo mucho de mi✨depresión✨

Adrianna Tan

Queer Southeast Asian in California working on #civictech. I lead the product team at San Francisco Digital Services.

In my spare time, I shoot film, ride steel bikes, play jazz piano and saxophone, and look at birds and mushrooms. Will block transphobes and tankies on sight.

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #BikeTooter


Traslado de sede del gob. del Tártaro por defunción del anterior casero.


Hi! I'm Talon.
I post little, lurk often.
I make music sometimes. Mostly electronic.
I code stuff.
I also work on audio games in my free time. I'm fascinated by 3D sound and accessibility.
Visually impaired / blind.
I also read occasionally. Mostly fantasy-related genres.

Queeres Zentrum Tübingen

Queeres Leben in Tübingen braucht ein Dach über dem Kopf!

Ein queeres Zentrum soll einen Ort schaffen sich zu treffen, solidarisch zu verbünden, sich gegenseitig zu empowern und zu feiern, unser Wissen und unsere Ressourcen zu teilen und zu wachsen. Wir werden ein Zuhause schaffen für die vielfältigen und unterstützenden Angebote, die es von und für unsere Community schon gibt und noch geben wird. Dieser Ort soll möglichst diskriminierungs- und barrierearm gestaltet sein und alle Menschen einladen, die die queere Szene in Tübingen mitgestalten möchten!

Sei dabei! Plenum jeden Dienstag 18:30 Uhr, Ort per Mail oder DM

Alle Infos:


Laid back easy going geeky dude.

Often bland like mayo. Occasionally zingy like mustard.

#Music #Cooking #Food #Programming #Coding #Pets

Be groovy. Be kind. Be weird.

Bouncing around the fediverse. Just moved here from a soon to be deleted personal instance account @me

Alt fedi account @finner


chirp chirp

Just another microblog on the fedi.

Not a lot to say, but I'll say it anyway. Sometimes.

Laid back and chill gen-x dude into a wide variety of topics. Mostly chat about tech/programming stuff, music, food, cooking, pets, life.

Kamon 🏳️‍⚧️ :nonbinary_flag:

Tercer género (occidental). Uránique-demisexual. Integradore social. Autista. Interesade sobre todo en discapacidad y colectivo LGBTIA+, pero también me gusta aprender sobre otros colectivos. También me interesa la legislación sobre derechos sociales.

Si no tiene texto alternativo, NO retooteo. Los toots se borran en una semana salvo si tienen fav mío.

#fedi22 #autism #trans #lgbtqia #disability


All about #poetry and #prose.

Currently working on:
🚀a #scifi epic
📝#poetry (ecopoems, nature poetry, and others)

I'm a #devops engineer on my workdays, and am out in the woods (#hiking, and #cycling) at the weekends.

For publication history, visit my website.

Leslie Farnsworth

#Writer of #fiction, voracious #reader of #literature, inveterate #humanities and #socialsciences nerd (and former #academic), ponderer, yoga person, flaneuse, goofball, friend.

From the #USA 🇺🇸, living in #Switzerland 🇨🇭. Here for connections and conversations.

Bryce Willey

I write software for humans, day job is with access to justice. Biking, Gaming, Fun Graphs.

Feel free to interact! I'm a bit shy sometimes, but am trying to be more outgoing here.

Robert Fromont

My thing is reducing drudgery for linguistics researchers, by combining and developing open source software.

Among programmers I'm a linguist. Among linguists I'm a programmer.
