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Marxist, law graduate, civil servant, writer, coder. Blind.
Location: Galicia, Spain, EU.
Interests: #writing #poetry #sf #rust #coq #marxism #tech #erotica #bdsm #kink
Languages: en es gl de eo
Funniest way someone tried and failed to insult me: commander of the queer communist revolutionary corps.
Cipayo de los señores del aire.
Personal blog:


Dęndy :anim_teams_rabbit:

Programadore y artiste en construcción, interesade por lo político y social. I sometimes post in Spanish or Catalan, but I will translate upon request. May contain NSFW posts or boosts, but always properly CW'd

You can follow request, I don't bite, but don't expect me to accept. admin

Nathan TeBlunthuis

Computational social scientist with a foot in HCI. Lover of community-built institutions.

I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the School of Information at the University of Michigan. I was previosly at the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University and completed my PhD in Communication at the University of Washington. I am a computational social scientist who studies online collective action in projects like Wikipedia, online communities like Reddit, and social movements.

Richard Emling

Meines Vaters Sohn, Inklusionist, Genussmensch, selektiver Philanthrop, Planer und Macher, Bartträger aus Überzeugung, Humanist, Judoka, Metal Head, Löwe, Asatru, geburtsblind, Fantast, Geek, Familienmensch, neugierig, manchmal melancholisch, modern und doch traditionsbewusst, Fluchen entspannt, Sushi wurde für mich erfunden, ich hasse Blattsalat, handwerklich geschickt


An accessible multipurpose social media client for the blind

:meow: Baa ​:blobsheepsnuggle:

Hello, I am Baa!

I love Mangos and Cats :cat: 🥭
I have a cat called Mango, I love her :blobcatnommango:

I also enjoy anime :blobcatanimeeyes:, self-hosting :black_computer:, Python :python:, other cats :blobcat:, collecting art ​:apusheendraw:, AMVs, cooking :comfychef:, Ubuntu :ubuntu: and my stolen and original memes :meowevil:

Also a big Neuro-sama fan.

I will post about all of these things indiscriminately.

I'm part of a Discord cult that hosts weekly anime group watches, if that sounds like fun to you come check us out :gyate_momiji_awoo:

By reading this, I already consider you my friend.

Luna 🌙

:flag_transgender: Hacker and gay pony.
Free culture activist. ☭

Retazo Magazine

Posts en español / Posts in English

literature, movies, TV, coffee, ML, programming, horror

NOT a magazine!

I try not to boost posts without alt text.

Targy :ironfront: :heart_bi:

He/Him. Opositor en mis ratos libres, friki de lo mío a tiempo completo. Suelo hablar de historia, política y videojuegos.

Icono de perfil de @ana_r


Just this nerdy person. Used to be on, but it's going away, so here I am! If your profile is blank or you appear to do nothing but boost posts I probably won't follow you. Same with accounts that do little but post birdsite content.

fanta ☑️

Me gusta comer pan y el software libre

Escribo de vez en cuando en y hago el lumpen digital en los sábados a las 12 de la mañana

Guillem Leon

22, he/they, #Spain by birth but currently studying in #England, #Classical #Piano student at Royal Academy of Music, #blind, hobbyist #Composer but if anyone from my conservatory asks shhhhh. Also do some occasional #Gaming and #Programming, nerd out over #languages, and tinker with as much #Retro #Tech I can get my hands on. Definitely should be #Reading more #Books. #Tea ftw. #Accessibility #A11y is important.

𐪅𐪀𐪈 𐪑𐪁𐪉

The last 500 years were the exception not the rule

#Arab #Polytheist #Hellenist

Working on translating the #Homeric and #Orphic hymns to #Arabic# 

Absolutely no TERFs

Absolutely #nobots #nobot

Sometimes I post local (#MiddleEast #NorthAfrica) #news and #politics