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playing around with #gotosocial

Fearful white Firefly - insane by design - always try to look at the bright side of life. Be nice. - StubenHacker - im Netz seit ca. 1986 - Überlebender - PTBS
Früher mal im NOC - irgendwas mit Funk und so... Nordlicht.

Pronomen: er/ihn

| no fascism | no racism |



Writes about rocket science, free energy and unconscious pyrokinesis.

Telex-Influencer & kittencontrolled

everything here will be deleted automagicly after some time, so copy stuff you want to keep.

AI-Bildbeschreibot as a service! 🤖

she/they | ger/eng

Robyn :antifa:

Technical Biologist 👩‍🔬 | #Multiomics (mostly Transcriptomics/Proteomics) 🧬 | 10XGenomics | #CCC 💻 | | Antifa 🏴 | #Freifunk 🆓 | #ADHD 🤯 | #Deaf 🦻🏻 | :demigirl_flag: :bisexual_flag: :genderfluid_flag: :lesbian_flag: | Pron: he/she er/sie
Admin von @fex_service
Backup @robin
Halböffentlicher Account: @apoptosis

I am on OkCupid 😘
#HPC admin (by accicent)

Masto-Engel 😇

Reminder: ⭐≠ endorsement
Beiträge werden nach 2 Wochen gelöscht.


Unixopia, Musiker, Ökofilz/Selbstdenker, #OpasForFuture
GPG: 0x81161D2ECD1C2BFC
Omemo: A452C3E3 DD738D34
Mein Interesse, mit faktenresistenten und wohlstandsgläubigen Angstbeissern zu diskutieren, ist recht exakt 0. Dafür gibt es den Plonkifikator.
Wir haben andere Aufgaben von deutlich höherer Dringlichkeit.
Hobby: Unterwandern von Denkstrukturen.

Achja: Ich hasse es, aus Lautsprechern vollgelabert zu werden. Podcasts etc. braucht mir niemand zu empfehlen.


Lesen, Natur, Opensource, Linux, Radfahren, Heimautomatisierung, Filme, Serama Hühner, Katzen

Admin von

Seit April 2017 bei Mastodon, alte Beiträge hier:

Macht beruflich was mit IT Forensik.

Z̈oé :antifa:

this field left blank intentionally


Leitender Direktor des Instituts für angewandte Futuristik @infuanfu

✔ Kein Sarkasmus
✔ Keine Medienkompetenzerziehung
✔ Keine Brand Loyalty

I toot fluently in English and German.

Trans rights are human rights!

Toots are unlisted by default.


Agender. Intersectional anarchism, linguistics, bass, birds, computers, ADHD, other stuff.

Disclosure: white, almost thirty

Not interested in flirting


tastytea :fire_enby:

chaos enby, weird mix of genders.

i am: queer, non-binary, pansexual, introvert, vegan, anarchist, older than 30, white, shy, anxious
i like: tea, gardening, cooking, reading, computer touching
i sometimes work on gentoo linux. i'm in hannover, germany. i'm naked and/or lewd sometimes and i renote lewd posts.

​:blobcat_enby:​ ​:blobcat_pansexual:​ ​:blobcat_blackbloc_flower:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_tea_woozy:​ ​:plantmage:​ ​:blobcat_cooking:​ ​:blobcat_comfy_reading:​ ​:xenia_laptop:​ ​:anarcho_hornyism:​

Feel free to follow, my account is “locked” to filter out bots, meanies and so on. All public posts can be boosted.
Hammer-and-sickle wielders, RMS fans: Piss off. Do not quote me or share my photos outside the Fediverse.
Do not follow if your profile is empty. Accounts without description or at least a few posts are creepy.


🤟🖤 🏐 🏓 ⚽ 🎶 🎸🐧🐾🤓👍
hier ist caos auf #Mastodon
Hauptaccount ist caos auf #Friendica: @caos

#Linux #CustomROM #FDroid #KommInsFediverseTaz #DamalsInUnsererRockdiskothek #Köln #Wuppertal #fedi22

Forum "Rockdisco Exit":
Umfragen #AskExit:

weitere (experimentell):
@caos (#Hubzilla)
@caos (#Calckey)
@caos (#Lemmy)


#ActuallyAutistic, queer, fighting depression and PTSD since 1999. Loves to spread compassion and kindness. Geek. Nature lover.
Müde Aktion. EDS 🦓 and a collection of other physical illnesses.

Please refrain from unsolicited advice. If I want advice I will ask for it.
I write about mental health, trauma, depression and violence from my own perspective as a survivor.

I use and require Content Warnings. If I ever forget to add a Content Warning you would have needed please tell me.
No terfs!


#dogcontent #btwiusearch #btwiusealpine #fckafd

⚧ Mara ⚢

full aged gothic girl (she/her)
living in beautiful #Munich #Bavaria 🇩🇪
studied #ElectricalEngineering
currently working as #nurse,
since 07/2022 teaching at a nurse's training school
✔ Educated
✔ Vaccinated
✔ Caffeinated
❌ Motivated