meowy catgirl

Open on

nyaaa~ | it/its | 24 | meows at computers | headpats/hugs/etc ok | 🔞


MC Chord Toll 🐀

beep boop! she/they! causing problems since 1997


En français: enthusiaste du FOSS, en quête d'un autre monde, sysadmin, dev, débrouillarde, pot-pourri culturel, bi, trans et queer

Sysadmin chez la @miaoute
Contributrice à @lacontrevoie

Demandez avant booster
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In English: FOSS enthusiast, on a quest for a better world, sysadmin, dev, bodging extraordinaire, cultural ragbag, bi, trans and queer

Sysadmin at @miaoute
Contributor at @lacontrevoie

Ask before boosting
No alt text = soft block ✨


🇫🇮 Coffee addict, metal and synthpop fan, software engineering student, ham radio operator and armchair philosopher.

Cybermaster Friday :verified:

Home of the new original cyber dog. I like Linux and math. Employment is for nerds. Everything posted here is a joke haha lol.



A person with hope for the world

Rep Rap Ryn :3

Trans robotics weirdo for funsies. thingiverse and other stuff coming soon.

federated faeries

transfaeries plural system

cn drugs

mad pride

Esquiring 👻✊⚖💾🏴‍☠️

we will be more than they can handle | cyborg/lawyer (IP, privacy, cybercrime, &c) | @ILPFoundry / prev
github @torekelandpllc

{IANYL &c}

the american caliban

I would prefer not to.


clean indoor air for all.
#longcovid #stopcopcity

just adrienne

"I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element, I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free."
- Eugene V. Debs


Security Researcher @Intel and sometimes CTF with Shellphish. I make a lot of weird security tools on GitHub 🏳️‍🌈