Alun Jones

Open on

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial







Currently tinkering with stuff on the sunny South Coast of the UK.

By day I am one of those people that 'does something with computers', usually around data visualisation.

By night I'm usually wandering around
#NoMansSky or #ElderScrollsOnline building stupid stuff in both.

#EFF and #ORG supporter.

Been using
#PGP since 2000 and no-one has ever mailed me.

Open Science ✅

Science must be opened — because science opens everything else! Sapere aude!

  Boosts are most welcome 👍

#Science #OpenScience #OpenAccess #OpenData #reproducibility #OpenSource #foss #privacy

Studio 8502 :verified:

Retrocomputing Maker and Designer in Ontario, Canada. I make stuff without promising a delivery date. I don't do crowdfunding, but I do gratefully accept Patreon and Ko-Fi support for what I do.
Language: English (I do speak others, but not well enough to claim fluency of any real kind)
Pronouns: He/Him
Nationality: Canadian
Politics: Hard Left, New Democratic Party, but pragmatic about it
Technology: Retro
Attitude: Friendly until it's time to not be friendly anymore.

Robin Davies

Full time husband & dad, chess parent, IT professional, all-round technogeek & amateur radio enthusiast (G7VKQ). LIDS #007 G-QRP 13104. ❤️ all things Hallyu


foss nerd, early music enthusiast, gaymer, re-tooter, he/him

Dan Lyke

Software developer, bicyclist, woodworker, urbanism enthusiast, resident of Petaluma California, blogger since 1998. Started an ISP circa 1993, credits in IMDB, worked on products that have touched your life. he/him, on unceded coast Miwok territory.

Steven 🥑

More homes and less infectious disease.

I live in BC, and that is important context for many of my posts.

he/they 🥑 #yyj


I live in Sir Gaerfyrddin with my wife, our son (some of the time), two spaniels, and the World's loudest Tonkinese cat. I have lost count of our computers. I'm not going to boost your stuff if the pictures don't have alt-text.
#raspberrypi #garden #cooking #cactus #photography #Lego


DevOps/SRE things by day. A little too concerned with automating my house by night 🏳️‍🌈

A work in progress.

Nic Roland :mastodon:

Geek w/ god complex

Talk to me about:

* Tech stuff - #python #sre #ansible #selfhosting #kubernetes
* Hobbies - #cycling #boardgames #whiskey


Based in Stoneleigh. Has a couple of dogs and a small human.
Someone who wishes he had more time for arsing about with tech things.
Possibly more of an IRC person than a firing thoughts into the abyss person.