Alun Jones

Open on

Interested in programming, electronics, science, photography, retrocomputing. Bit of a geek, you could say.

This incarnation of me is self-hosted using GotoSocial







Based in Stoneleigh. Has a couple of dogs and a small human.
Someone who wishes he had more time for arsing about with tech things.
Possibly more of an IRC person than a firing thoughts into the abyss person.


I have #cats and I post photos of them.

#catsofmastodon #catsoffediverse #internetIsForCats

From 🇨🇱 living in 🇪🇸

Hunter Perrin

Software engineer. I run SciActive, Inc. which runs Port87.

Port87 Mail is email with powerful organization and anti-spam features. (you can join the waitlist).

I created Svelte Material UI, the best UI library for Svelte.

I created Nymph.js, powerful object storage for Node.js.

I am an advocate for LGBTQ rights, and do commentary on it and other topics.

MaJ1 ♻️

Aging ex mainframe storage manager, channel Marvin the Paranoid android, like cats, tech, open world games,nature . Very amateur scientist /astronomer / climatologist.
Wide musical tastes, scouse sense of humour.
Absolutely no time for peeps who believe in “alternative” facts.
Call me Tim if it’ll help :D

Avatar: Picture a squirrel in a field, dressing in armour with red and blue shield and a tiny sword
Banner: Small computer room showing IBM ES/9000 mainframe & accessories


Harry Holt (1791-1844) #Pugilist, Publican, Fight Promoter & Reporter for the London Prize Ring once known as the 'Cicero of the Ring' #HarryHoltBiography #Prizefighter

Quotes from Lord #Chesterfield 's Letters (1774) & Francis #Grose 's Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue (1788)(revised 1823)

Alex Gallagher

Ex-Labour Councillor. Government can make a difference for the good or, as currently, ill.

Prefer people to flags.


UK Radio Amateur #hamradio #wx #digimodes
foundation license passed oct 2020
intermediate license passed november 2020
full license passed feb 2021
interested in mainly low power ditital modes, QRSS, WSPR, FT8/4 and SSTV

Randy Resnick (BluesBreaker)

Each Hit Music is my publishing name created in 1972, when I co-wrote the song "What Comes Around Goes Around" with the band The Pure Food & Drug Act, featuring blues violinist Don 'Sugarcane' Harris

Musician, composer, shouter & Bluesbreaker
#fedi22 #music #food
I'll show you mine:


against throwawayism; collector/repairer of old things; maker/diy enthusiast; bob the builder, gyro gearloose or McGyver, depending on which neighbour you ask.

electronics engineering / (embedded) software dev.

I post about: electronics, bicycles, cars, mechanical contraptions, woodworking, welding, pets, PV, computers, repairs, DIY, ... = technology

The Psychic Tides

Low-key vibes to study and chill and melt the walls behind reality and relaxation.


We are living in judgemental society, critism, but for me peace ✌️ and love is my agenda, I respect all the creatures, I am a human not perfect correct me if I'm wrong, life is a test and is temporary, I love all colors, no descrimination, no Separation no segregation. Unification I stand for, justification,.. 🇬🇲 🇬🇲 🇬🇲 My homeland, though politics make country very complicated for its citizens,, be kind to human not only that but animals too