phii (local floofgirl cutie)

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It's Phii ✨ (phii/phii's)

hacker enby, plant haver, floofy woofy ✨️

i like
* making punny shitposts,
* making code and sharing it,
* making pretty things,
* cooking,
* having plants,
* being a 22 y/o female floofgirlgender demi-girl,
* way too many things wtf

funniest femgirl on my instance

going woof woof woof on main

always more fem-aligned than you think

locked but u can follow request if ur not a fash

pronouns: phii/phiis (or phii/phii's) (or she/her)

πŸΆπŸ’Š 11/30/2021


blackle mori

I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its