
Open on

Utvikler bosatt i Larvik. Er (blant annet) interessert i åpen kildekode, digitalt personvern og ruspolitikk. Jeg har også en engelskspråklig og nederlandsk konto:


Mine konti driftes på maskinvare i eget hjem så sporadisk nedetid kan forekomme en gang iblant 🤓

Alt innhold produsert av meg (tekst, bilder etc) publiseres under lisensen CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 /


Aslak Raanes

Trondheim, Norway


Caroline 🌈🌊🌍

Swedish. Mother. Wife. Autistic. Nerd. Geek.

Works in tech. Toots in Swedish & English.

Interested in politics, history, diplomacy, conflicts, science, health care, tech, computers, eCommerce etc.

#StandWithUkraine #tech #autism #adhd #mentalhealth


Likes dark cyber future, but prefers a light one.
Hardware is better than Software.
Working in the food industry's IT.

Fuck the algorithm.

Also open everything, except your privacy.

NGI Zero open source funding

NGI Zero is a grant making programme for R&D within free and open source technology, coordinated by NLnet Foundation in collab with @fsfe, @APC, Radically Open Security, Translate House, and more | delivers technology for the #NextGenerationInternet

Background photo is by Christofer Jeschke and comes from Unsplash.

Henrik Kramselund - kramse

internet samurai, posts - may offend. he/him feminist and antifascist. Love science, networks and packets. Love networks and run AS57860.

Currently I teach diploma in IT-security at and have my own freelance company Zencurity Aps

When not working I spend my time windsurfing, so you can often find me at the beach!

Martin :verified_coffee: :tux:

Papa von 2
Oracle / MySQL / PostgreSQL DBA, Linux, *NIX, *BSD
Viel zu wenig Zeit für #retrocomputing, #XBOX

Micha 🏳️‍🌈

Exilkärntner, Buchhändler, Rettungssani und jetzt Pflegeassistent , ehrenamtl. Mitarbeiter Aids Hilfe Wien,gay & proud


#infosec and #dataprotection professional.
FOSS enthusiast and long time user: I like my software as I like my society - free and open.


Computer Engineer and Tech geek. Tooting in Norwegian and English. For the bep-bop's: #nobot #noindex #nosearch

Hilde Austlid

Stopp oljeletinga!

Jobber med åpne data. På fritida leser jeg science fiction, fantasy og romanse, og spiller brettspill og rollespill.



Just stop oil!

Works with open data.
For fun, I read SF, fantasy, and romance, and play board games and roleplaying games.



Medarbeider og skatteyter. Eier en "klassisk" norsk hytte på fjellet. Ja til naturmangfold, jernbane og menneskerettigheter. Liker håndverksøl, quiz, brettspill, Berlin og Roma


Utvikler med bosted i Færder.

Higer etter bærekraft, drikker mørkt øl og lysbrent kaffe, eter pizza, og griner på slutten av Super Mario Galaxy.