ryan wolf ryan@hates.company

Open on hates.company

hopeful and mad about it. he/him, 35, pittsburgh. member of CWA Local 9009, works at google, views are my own. https://pseudony.ms/

"hygge blofeld over here" - @alex@dads.cool


King Normalman IV @sexybenfranklin@normal.style

The normal-ass alt of @sexybenfranklin

Expect things to be extremely normal around here.

Suitably ballyhooed @antifuchs@weirder.earth

I hack on things for people. Incorrigible giggler & maker of funny faces

The knife missile knows where it is because it knows where it isn’t.

Humans, feel free to follow. I love bots but #nobot please

green (DM TO REQUEST FOLLOW) @troodon@weirder.earth

aka Sprackraptor, Rasha, elynne, Yahvahzensil, & etc. :theta_delta:
50-something ace/aro
an anthropomorphic personification of a specific shade of the color green/grey.
pronouns: zie/zir or they/them
***follows are curated. if I'm already following you, follow-back is automatic; otherwise, I'll need some kind of interaction with you to accept a follow request.***
hello yes I am transgender nonbinary. trans rights = human rights <3
Joined vulpine.club Aug 13, 2018

harbo, a shitposting terrorist @hammoncr@mstdn.social

I put these words here to terrorize you (also i am not a brand, don’t expect me to be a brand)

Abigail 🌷 @ak@strangeobject.space

ace trans girl, mid-30s!

urban planning graduate, just graduated and in between everything at present 🎓

i used to be on the radio but now i'm just a long suffering listener 📻

Mike B :rainbow_flag: @MBNashTN@mstdn.social

Reading, music, cats, photography, modern art, food...

I don't have much of a life, I'm here to vicariously live by following yours.

He/him, a safe place where almost everybody (no trolls or assholes) is welcome.

Please don't do stupid shit.

☮️Just Annie☮️ @LikeItOrLumpIt@mstdn.social

Married #NewYork🗽#Syracuse
Alt Text Avatar is a caucasian woman over 50, slightly smiling with long hair on a purple multi-colored background. Alt Text Header is an imaginary Boho welcoming space for you to stop by and lounge in while you are in my feed. credit:albyantoniazzi on Flickr #nosearch #noindex

"I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."--Mae West

Jaguarior Jones @wqjones@universeodon.com

"Hey, look at me, everybody. I'm [not] a cowboy! Howdy, howdy, howdy!"
I am Bill. I am a 71 yr old hermit living in The Hermitage on Hunter's Hill in the Certified Wildlife Habitat that is Catatonia, Texas, USA. Pop. me, a cat, and a little testy dog. Woods all around me, no neighbors in sight, and 20 miles from the 3 closest cities. Retired PC guy, obsessively online, insatiable info seeker. Progressive Democratic Socialist. Bipolar, ADHD, occasionally fairly norminal, often batcrap insane.

Lotte @charlotte@aperture.ink

Paying attention (pain = tension).

Systems engineer/engineered system.

Tech, mental health, post-Covid syn, unpersonhood, occasional selfies/

Inspired @inspired@hachyderm.io

Cat likes yogurt too much. He made it out.

Inspired by:

- Cat antics
- Arduino, Raspberry Pi
- Getting to the destination without a car
- Cleaning things to within an inch of their life but only once all other options (months of inaction) are exhausted

Tired of:

- Cat hair
- Unfinished projects, and also unstarted ones
- How many places still require cars
- Cleaning anything ever

Chad+ ($8.99/mo) :v_bi: @chad@beige.party

I used to be a software engineer, but now I’m online all day without pay.

By day, I take care of my baby daughter. By night, I get wrecked by silver bokoblins.

My avatar is 16 tiles of my cat Chapati’s face.

manu chander (he/him) @profchander@mastodon.social

teaching and researching race and empire in the 19th century
