Stanisław Małolepszy

Open on

I make small 3D games (, and I play them and talk about them sometimes. I'm interested in game design, 3D rendering, languages, and bringing back the Internet of the '90s.

Cloud at Google, Message Format WG, previously localization at Mozilla.

Most people know me as Staś. I live in Warsaw in Poland.


Ric Wood

Do you even DM, bro? Indie game/web dev.

Product person. Into open data and open source. Moderator of the Firefox sub-reddit.

Daniel Janus

Lemme see what this Fediverse thing is all about.


I work in tech: unix (any) sysadmin. He/him

Open source software; Lua programming; synth DIY; ecology; botany; photography; aerospace; NetBSD user

I don't worry if you don't follow back - do what you want with your timeline.

Profile photo: detail of a very ruffled, lace-like fern.
Header photo: A NAFO shibu inu dog in a Patagonia sweatervest, attaching Kontakt-1 explosive-reactive armor bricks to a Cray Supercomputer.

Simone or /^syx.*$/

Dev in the morning rollerblader after 5pm, sporadically a computer science enthusiast. Sometimes I build pointless things and I damn like it 🆗?

Eemeli Aro

Plotting to save the world via open source and science fiction.

Frederik Braun

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Dad // 👨‍💻 Security Engineer & Manager for Mozilla Firefox // ⛺🚴 Cyclist // co-founded CTF team fluxfingers.


Mark Lubkowitz 🇺🇳🖖🃏

Journalist, Software Architect, Software Engineering, Klardenker, Vordenker, Developer, Digital Transformation, Digital Sovereignty, #OpenSource, @msg_group


sudo rm -rf fascism

Daughter driven development.
Senior Principal Engineer at ACN Song (former SinnerSchrader).

prev mozilla, hoodiehq, rejectjs, otsconf

Autocorrect hates me.

Mom of 3 kids and a dog. Posting about engineering, crafts and our weird life.

moved from

Ryan Snyder

Dad, Husband. American living in the UK. Passionate about food, climate, and tech.