technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

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Tryin to make a change :-\


Tobias Horvath

Writing things. Infosec. Visual Effects Artist. Design. Code. 🏳️‍🌈 I’m only moderately old and like to dance to imaginary music. I really need a new bio lol. Bear with me.

(my profile picture is a headshot of my IRL self, the banner is a photo of an abstract and very colorful oily substance that simply looks pretty)

Conor McDermottroe

I'm a software developer for CircleCI. I'm also a competitive rifle shooter for Ireland and Dublin University Rifle Club.


:verified_gay: :rust:

Leon Barrett

odd parity

No errors detected.


rob salmond (he/him)

all wrong, all day long


Creator of Funny How The Knight Moves (, Get Kana and Fun with trains VR (

Paul Holcomb :verified: 🤙

Fixer and builder of software, systems, and organizations with large quantities of #FOSS and the required amount of imprecations (he/him)

I run an established consulting company providing projects, services, and training in #Linux, #Networking, and #InfoSec. I also run smaller seminars on #Privacy and #Security hygiene for NGO and government workers.

I serve on the governing body of DPH with a focus on #Education and #Elections.

I'm spending most of my time lately in #ClimateTech; previously for a wide variety of SMBs, ISPs, several #HFT firms, and a dozen state and national #USPol campaigns.

I'm usually in #Oʻahu or #Chicago -land.

Michel Salim :fedora: :DS9:

#Meta production engineer working on #Linux userspace, longtime #Fedora contributor, #Debian maintainer.

#Midwest #USA transplant, mostly harmless.

avatar: bespectacled man wearing a CentOS T-shirt