technomancy (turbonerd aspect)

Open on

Paul Holcomb :verified: 🤙

Fixer and builder of software, systems, and organizations with large quantities of #FOSS and the required amount of imprecations (he/him)

I run an established consulting company providing projects, services, and training in #Linux, #Networking, and #InfoSec. I also run smaller seminars on #Privacy and #Security hygiene for NGO and government workers.

I serve on the governing body of DPH with a focus on #Education and #Elections.

I'm spending most of my time lately in #ClimateTech; previously for a wide variety of SMBs, ISPs, several #HFT firms, and a dozen state and national #USPol campaigns.

I'm usually in #Oʻahu or #Chicago -land.

Michel Salim :fedora: :DS9:

#Meta production engineer working on #Linux userspace, longtime #Fedora contributor, #Debian maintainer.

#Midwest #USA transplant, mostly harmless.

avatar: bespectacled man wearing a CentOS T-shirt


Senior Rustacean™ @ Ambient · gamedev/modding, reverse engineering, writing, AI, XR, Rust, etc

a better world is possible · 🇦🇺🇸🇪🏳️‍🌈


🤷🏻 🇵🇱 🇬🇧 🤏🇯🇵


husband, developer, music person, admin of this instance. probably yelling about transit. based in st. louis, mo.



marxist luddism, tech criticism, free software.
music, movies, books.

previously: (2017-04-03), (2017-04-06, RIP), (2017-04-26, RIP)

art by franz w. seiwert

Steve Purcell

Prolific polyglot programmer, part-time performer. Previously (personal): plucking pentatonics, practicing photography, patisserie, punishing physical pursuits. Professionally: peripatetic pioneer producing practical products, pruning processes, personable personnel patriarch. Presently perfecting prosaic profiles.

Richard Schneeman

I am:

- A possibility space explorer 🚀
- An open source teacher and author
- A Ruby 3.2+ core committer
- The creator of
- (he/him)

Y’all means all

Florian Neumann :verified:

he/him, sec-aware fullstack devops, management, consultancy

I try to raise awareness for software related attack vectors, counter measures, developments in technology and socio-technical evolvements.

I also try to help simplify access to and gain interest in technology, especially software development.

Tim Lavoie

Working in infosec, from my island paradise.
Fascinated by how tech is (ab)used in real life, and how it might help, or hinder our lives.
Love messing with programming languages, photography, getting outside.
