Jasmine Jackson thefluffy007@edumasto.org

Open on edumasto.org

Founder and Executive Director T-ATP | Adjunct Professor - City University of Seattle | Education Strategist | Intersection of #cybereducation, #edtech, and #educationpolicy | Education Lead Biohacking Village | #educationresearch #STEM #STEAM


Anant Shrivastava aka anantshri @anant@social.anantshri.info

Researcher | Trainer | Security Professional | Developer | Admin

I talk about #linux, #Security, #infosec, #android, #androidsecurity, #PKM and a lot more.

My Website : https://anantshri.info
I blog @ https://blog.anantshri.info
My talks are available @ https://slides.anantshri.info

My community https://null.community

:linux: :debian: :ubuntu: :vim: :wordpress: :macos: :terminal: :python: :android: :fediverse: :mate: :obsidian: :pi:
