㆜ШᏆ㆚㆚𐊍ㄚ twizzay@thisis.mylegendary.quest

Open on thisis.mylegendary.quest
All I wanna do is get weird on the web and make high-quality nonsense with friends.

Read the long bio here:

One of fedi's purest souls. No swores; no lewds; no anger; no time like the present.

I self-host thisis.mylegendary.quest and am the sole user.

I am extremely cynical, paranoid, and sarcastic. … In like the friendliest way, tho.

“Twizzay is kind.”

:linux: :blobcatfingerguns2:

:python: :javascript:
:debian: :retropie:

#linux #webdev #selfHost #nobot