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Medieval-Inspired Fridge Raid Salad: A Rustic Delight for Modern Times

Exploring the Humble Origins and Evolution of the Beloved Salad

La piXine – chapitre 7

Rico, Karim et Kevin

Thrifty Vegan Eats: Embracing Discounts and Reducing Food Waste!

Unlocking Flavorful Savings: How to Make the Most of Same-Day Discounted Delights

La piXine – chapitre 6

Victor, Takeshi et Jean-Luc

General state of affairs

I’m trying to figure out how to pay the electric, my phone, internet, food, you name it I’m already beyond the red since I was short of last months target.

I just want to watch Farscape, it’s fucking 2023!

For €150 a month, you can't find what you want to watch

Vous vous souvenez des gilets jaunes qui envahissaient les Champs-Elysées ?

Le gouvernement et les riches sont devenus complaisants depuis les Gilets jaunes

La piXine – chapitre 5


La piXine – chapitre 4


The Audacity

I'm in a mood today because right now my 4G connection decided to be so slow that the plugs are struggling to ping home.

La piXine – chapitre 3

Silence, on tourne

I Always Enjoy Getting Cancelled

Today was not a good day, as you see I had a course which I booked on to that was a rather obligatory one at France Travail by Macron (ex Pôle Emploi) because no matter what the content is they’re all obligatory.